Sophie Francis | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

📅 19th - 20th June 2025 📍 Heathrow, London

Sophie Francis

Sophie has been working within the field of Lung Cancer for the last 4 years at Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT). Firstly working within the respiratory service, supporting patients under the 2 week wait pathway, aiding in an efficient pathway to diagnosis. She then had a change in roles, and now cares for patients and families under the oncology services. Sophie's work in her role as a Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist has been recognised and was awarded Cancer Nurse of the Year within her organisation in 2023.

Sophie has a keen interested in oncogenic driven lung cancers and greatly enjoys supporting this patient group. She runs a London wide support group for patients facing the diagnosis of non-smoking related lung cancer, ‘Take A Breather’. She also leads in piloting the CTDNA project at GSTT alongside her consult colleagues, and is now rolled out across the South East London Cancer Alliance.

Sophie has worked extensively in her role as a Lung Cancer CNS, with cancer charities including the Ruth Strauss Foundation and Macmillan. Sophie has worked with Macmillan in the development of their patient information Alberta in tyrosine kinase inhibitors to ensure the content is accurate and appropriate. Sophie was also privileged to be invited to partake I the 2022 'Red4Ruth' campaign to raise awareness around non-smoking related lung cancer, and offering support to families with children. In addition, Sophie has undertook and helped to shape the Ruth Strauss Foundation ‘NO CONVERSATION TOO TOUGH' programme which aims at ensuring health care professionals are well equipped to guide parents in how to have difficult conversations with children around parental death.

The conference has been instigated and organised by LCNUK. Sponsors have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. They have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored symposia which are clearly indicated.

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Annual Conference

Save the date for the LCNUK Conference 2025, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 19th - Friday 20th June at The Radisson Blu Heathrow, London.

Find out more