Webinars | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content


Our webinars are for healthcare professionals only.

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There are currently no upcoming events. Please check back again in future for what's coming up.

Full details about our Annual Conference.

On Demand Webinars

Supporting parents to prepare their children when a parents lung cancer cannot be cured


Wednesday, 27th September 2023


End of life, palliative care, Other non-clinical

  • The views expressed by speakers or other thirds parties are those of the speaker or third party and not necessarily of LCNUK.
  • Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information and guidance is accurate, it is impossible to predict all the circumstances in which it may be used and LCNUK assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions made in this content. All presentations are for informational and educational purposes only - content should not be considered applicable to all situations or patients.
  • The contents do not negate the requirement for comprehensive assessment, liaison and management of patients, their families and caregivers.
  • LCNUK neither endorses nor accepts responsibility for the contents of third party websites or resources included in these presentations. 
  • Sponsors have had no input into the content of LCNUK  produced presentations.  
  • LCNUK also hosts company sponsored webinars - these are clearly labelled
  • For more information see our Website Disclaimer

We are grateful to our corporate supporters for their financial support which supports the core activities of the organisation and allows us to make services either freely available or at greatly reduced rates to its members.

For more information, please read our Statement on Commercial Funding.

Join Lung Cancer Nursing UK

Be a member of a dynamic and cohesive forum of lung cancer nurse specialists (LCNS) working throughout the UK. Membership costs just £30 per year and is open to any specialist nurse who spends more than 50% of their working week or clinical activities in caring for patients with lung cancer.

Join Now

Annual Conference

Registration is open for the LCNUK Conference 2025, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 19th - Friday 20th June at The Radisson Blu Heathrow, London.

Register now