Committee Member | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

Committee Member

Jane Weir

Jane Weir

I have worked in lung cancer for nearly twenty years initially as a Macmillan lung CNS for 7 years covering community and hospital then following academic study I progressed to clinical lead ANP for lung cancer and currently my role is Macmillan Nurse Consultant in Lung Cancer.
I am involved in assessing patients in the diagnostic phase, supporting them along the pathway and into survivorship in a busy deprived multi ethnic inner city trust. I am well aware of the challenges both patients and CNSs face on a day to day basis whilst as professionals they are continually supporting patients and care delivery whilst trying to improve services.
As part of my current role I supervise a team of nursing staff including CNSs, ANPs assistant practitioners and cancer care co- coordinators to achieve and maximise their potential as a team in this challenging NHS environment, enabling them to give high quality supportive care to our changing patient group as they survive longer.
I am fully aware of role definitions and the budgetary constraints that are continually applied to try to reduce skill in lung cancer workforces. I am passionate about the CNS role and the need to protect it going forward. I continue to champion the role at any available forum I can.
I have been involved in service and project development previously both leading and supporting in both. I have developed and implemented nurse led services both in an acute trust and in community services, services which previously consultant led.
I am a passionate motivated nurse leader having attended various leadership courses over the years which have allowed me to direct and change services to improve patient experience.
I have a keen interest in developing LUNG CNSs to reach their full potential through education research and practical learning ensuring that the patient is kept central to everything we do.
Academically I have undertaken an MSc in Advanced practice and have been a nurse prescriber for many years. I continue to mentor and coach CNSs both band 6, 7 and advanced practitioners each day in clinical practice and support them with academic study to enhance their roles and practices.
I have previously taught on academic programmes in a university setting for both nursing and advanced practice modules and have led on communication training within the trust.
I currently co-chair the nurse led subgroup for GM cancer which allows me to lead, share and support changes across Greater Manchester cancer for the benefit of our lung cancer patients and support the CNS role within the AHP environment.
When I am not working, I live on a farm with sheep chickens and 4 dogs which keep me busy and give me a balance in life, so I am usually to be found in scruffs and wellies feeding digging or planting not glamorous I know but it suits me!!
I welcome sharing my knowledge and skills to help support and advise colleagues with all aspects of lung cancer care delivery which will in turn improve the experience for our patients, whilst developing and respecting the CNS role within future service delivery.
I also welcome being involved in decision making as part of the LCNUK group of professionals contributing to events and activities which will help shape the future of lung cancer nursing as we go into exciting challenging times for lung cancer care delivery.

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Annual Conference

Registration is open for the LCNUK Conference 2025, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 19th - Friday 20th June at The Radisson Blu Heathrow, London.

Register now