Palliative care for people living with mesothelioma and their families | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

Palliative care for people living with mesothelioma and their families

Screenshot of the palliative care animation

New tools have been launched to help patients/families in accessing palliative care, and healthcare professionals in providing care and support. They were developed by the Mesothelioma UK Research Centre based on research findings*, input from their Patient and Public Involvement Group, and a collaboration with the charity Mesothelioma UK. 

Palliative care animation

The short animation aims to demystify palliative care, address misconceptions, and explain in a sensitive way what palliative care is and how it can help. 

The animations can be viewed via the links below:

Healthcare professional link

Patient/family link

The animation is useful in opening conversations about palliative care, and as a resource to signpost patients.

Palliative care infographic

The infographic aims to provide information and signposts to sources of support for healthcare professionals, providing or coordinating palliative care.

The infographic can be viewed and downloaded via this link.

Further information

The Palliative Care study explored palliative care needs in mesothelioma, and looked at how Mesothelioma UK clinical nurse specialists meet those needs.

*The Palliative Care study

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