Developing the CNS service at a cancer treatment tertiary centre
Category: Treatment
The problem identified
The Christie Hospital, Manchester had approximately 2,000 new lung cancer patient referrals attending for treatment in 2015. The numbers had been increasing as patients diagnosed with lung cancer had better access to treatment options. The Trust only employed 2 lung CNSs'. The caseloads for these nurses had become completely unmanageable.
The intervention made to change the problem
The lung team developed a strategy with the help of the medical staff and a survey was undertaken by all the medical and nursing personnel in the team. Overwhelming support for new additional lung CNS posts was concluded. This information was compiled and a meeting was sort with the management team. Support for 2 new nursing posts was also secured from Macmillan by completing a partnership application form. Macmillan also agreed to fund a project manager to oversee the project development for 2 years and to ensure success in establishing the four sector model of working.
How it changed my practice
With the support from Macmillan the management agreed to fund four additional lung CNS posts. Two full time permanent and two 2 year posts. It is hoped by auditing the service and being able to prove better proactive management of patients undergoing treatment and follow up at the Christie these two additional posts will be secured. HNAs and sectorised working across Manchester's four MDTs will help these four CNSs' divide the caseload, leading to a more structured approach to caseload management.
Resource / Cost implications
Considerable Macmillan investment in the service for 2 years.
Horne N. 2014. A role essential for its value. Cancer Nursing Practice.Vol.13 (1) p.11
LearyA, White J and Yarnell L. 2014. The work left undone. Understanding the challenge of providing holistic lung cancer
nursing care in the U.K. European Journal of Oncology Nursing.Vol.18(1) pp.23-28.