Conference Speakers | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

📅 19th - 20th June 2025 📍 Heathrow, London

Conference Speakers

Jo Ashcroft

Cancer Psychological Support Service, St George's Hospital

Tim Benepal

St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Igor Gomez-Randulfe

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Annabel Grinbergs

Lung Cancer Specialist Nurse, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UHB Foundation Trust

Emma Halkyard

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Matthew Kelly

Craigavon Area Hospital/ Lung Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (Macmillan)

Thomas Newsom-Davis

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Anna Sharman

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Bing Smith

Barts Health Trust

Charlotte Smith

Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - Nurse Consultant in Lung Cancer

The conference has been instigated and organised by LCNUK. Sponsors have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. They have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored symposia which are clearly indicated.

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Annual Conference

Registration is open for the LCNUK Conference 2025, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 19th - Friday 20th June at The Radisson Blu Heathrow, London.

Register now